The last time the two teams battled each other, Oman gave the Kuwaitis a slap on their own turf and secured victory. This time Oman's playing them at home, so things should be even better for the local lads, right?
Well, maybe not.
The Oman Football Association has decided to start charging for the tickets to see the game. The price? A rather digestible RO 1.000 per ticket (which will be available at the gate). Except, apparently, there is a lot of outcry in the local Arabic papers about this proposed charge.
Furthermore, the Kuwaitis have said that they don't care if the tickets are RO 200 each, they're sending hoards and hoards of supporters to the game. And in the last game, I'm told that some Kuwaiti fans are suspected of having thrown rocks at the Omani players. Given the little spat (someone threw a firecracker) that happened in the SQ complex when Oman was playing Australia in the AFC qualifying game last year, it should make for some pretty entertaining action post-game between the supporting fans. I'm sure the ROP are just super pleased!
The winner of this match qualifies for the Asian cup in Qatar 2011, and what is an asian cup without the gulf cup champs?
So, the first obvious head-scratcher is - why wont the locals pay RO 1.000 for a football game, but are pretty happy to smoke heavily, buy cinema tickets for RO 3.00 and chat away on their cell phones? It is RO 1.00, not RO 10.000. If you cant afford that to go to a football game, then you've got bigger things to worry about.
The second head-scratcher is this: why on earth were the tickets for free in the first place? Oman is a big country, with a smallish population (yet big in GCC terms), with a pretty fixed income (ok it goes up and down) heavily based on hydrocarbons. Are the people here so blinded by the renaissance that they think there will be a free meal ticket for life? What is going to happen when Oman introduces the VAT (rumoured to be 5%)? Or, income tax, which is an absolute necessity as the countries running costs continue to increase, and oil/gas income declines.
And lets not forget the team's motto during the Gulf Cup.... One Oman, One Pulse. So lets make sure there's lots of support for Oman there.
So anyway. March 3rd, 7:30pm at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex - Oman will take on Kuwait, and hopefully give em a good shoeing. And then hopefully the Kuwaiti supporters will quietly bugger off back where they came from. Hopefully.
le fin.