There are some concepts called sleep hygiene. It is proved, if the person complies with the basic rules of hygiene, then his dream becomes a strong and healthy. That this is not a complex list: Create a specific schedule, and try to wake up constantly in the same time, regardless of what is a day worker or a day off. Thanks to all of the functions of your body will normalize and adapt to certain hours. If you follow this simple rule, you can forget about insomnia, and well to plan your next day.Before going to sleep you do not need to be counting sheep, you can easily and quickly fall asleep. Need to go to bed only when sleepy appearance. In other cases, it is not necessary to force yourself to sleep, even if you have to get up early in the morning - it could lead to even more stress for your body. And if you lay down, but you can not sleep, it is necessary to change the situation. Sit in your favorite chair and join in what - something calm and soothing, such as reading or needlework. At the first manifestation of sleepiness have to go back to bed. This can be repeated as many times as you need. You must clearly define the space for your sleep - the bedroom. Make sure that you are covered only in the bedroom, because it is a sacred place designed for that purpose. Bedroom - a place to sleep, sex, and in case you get sick, they can lie down. In no case in the bedroom can not be work! If you do not sleep at night - in any case can not sleep during the day. But if you still feel a lack of energy during the day and go to sleep, in which case we must try to do it in the same period of time of not more than 45 minutes. This time is for most people this is enough time to rest and gain strength. The most appropriate hours for such a dream is about 2 - 3:00 pm. More navigate. Need to maintain a constant physical activity. Do not forget that the peaks of readiness of the organism to the power loads are at 11:00 in the morning and at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. These biorhythms are not random, they are to give your body the braking distance vpyat - six hours before bedtime. Regular physical activity necessary for the use of energy, and also relieve stress. Shut your most intense stress early, at least 7 of hours before they are thinking to bed and before going to bed, try to walk in the fresh air. It has long been a known fact that oxygen is a good antidepressant, it is perfectly enhances the mood and relieves stress. For this reason, it makes sense to accustom themselves to the airing of a sleeping room at night. In no case, do not smoke before bed. Scientific evidence shows that it is nicotine, like other drugs, acts detrimental to the normal metabolism. Is not recommended to consume alcohol because it dehydrates the body, and because of this, your sleep will be shallow, and you will not be able to fully relax and gain strength. In this investigation you will have a headache, depression and weakness. All this is further reinforced by the decay products of harmful alcohol use, and they are not immediately removed from the body. Do not drink coffee at night. You can drink a cup of coffee is not less than six hours before bedtime.Of course, all the different reaction to caffeine, but still susceptible to many of the direct action of caffeine. By using a cup of coffee, you will provide a floor - the night of insomnia. I have a rule of thumb, I try not to drink coffee after 4 pm, because then I could not sleep until at least after midnight. All lovers to eat before bedtime, can breathe a sigh of relief. Eating before bedtime can, but without fanaticism. It is proved that the food is a good antidepressant. The most ideal situation for the organism to be a glass of milk or sour milk. How sad not to talk about it, but for a strong and healthy sleep is to limit the time spent at your computer monitor, as well as and for the TV. It is well known that it was on TV and computer, we get a lot of negative news, and stress. If you can reduce the time at least twice, you can get rid of insomnia. No need to abuse sleeping pills. These drugs are for those who do not sleep. You're not a patient person, so do not use such drugs. Do not forget about such a moment as any drug has toxic effects on the body, and may even cause some side effects. So without a prescription is not necessary to use the pill. One third of our lives takes place in a dream, so we need to look closely at what you are asleep.Always make sure that you slept on the right pillow and mattress. Quality bedding will help you relax and relieve you of the painful strain of joints and bones. And do not forget about your spine - it is a direct extension of your brain. Love yourself, create conditions for a good night's sleep. Such as, for example, a warm bath for ten minutes reading your favorite book, a light snack. Pamper yourself! Use the natural flavors of herbs and oils are different. For example, lavender oil, it will calm you, and will develop a conditioned reflex in the body prepare for sleep. And most importantly do not break the daily routine! Do your procedures regularly, eat regularly, plan your day on a regular basis. Begin to wake up at the same time! Source: |
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