1. We missed this, but last week, the Knicks visited Indiana for a basketball game. Nobody told Iman Shumpert that it was a basketball game, though.
2. Watch this again. Shumpert somehow kicks a perfectly arcing pass to Steve Novak, who knocks down the three. That goes down in the books as an assist, even though it was about as accidental as basketball gets.
3. Despite Shump's nifty footwork, the Knicks still lost by 34, likely staving off a soccer-aping epidemic from overwhleming the NBA.
Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ctcNYBaSgDo.Source: youtube.com
Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ktlincoln/the-best-pass-of-the-nba-season-was-a-cross-court-kick
Article author: ktlincoln
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