Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Time A 23-Year-Old Larry King Got Seduced On-Air

Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1yD8PzFFNFU.

"Blank on Blank" is a project dedicated to finding lost interviews, and in a new animated series with PBS Digital Studios, they present this unheard interview with Larry King.

The story, in a nutshell...

2. Larry is 23-years-old and has been working in radio for a mere two weeks.

He gets called in to sub during the graveyard shift.


Source:  youtube.com

3. A woman calls in to the station and says this:

Larry says to himself, "There's a couple of extra plusses to being in this business."


Source:  youtube.com

4. An excited Larry tells her he can meet up later.

She says that won't do. She has to work. He has to come now.


Source:  youtube.com

5. The woman gives Larry her address.

And so, Young Larry seizes the opportunity and decides to put on the entire Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall album. Says Larry: "I had 33 minutes. Which is all the time I need. To this day that's still true."


6. He arrives at the mystery woman's house and she's ready to go.

But just as Larry goes in for an embrace, he hears his station playing on the radio...the Belafonte record begins skipping. "Where the nights, where the nights, where the nights, where the nights..."


Source:  youtube.com

7. So Larry bolts. And keeps the radio playing in his car. "Jewish masochism," he calls it. Oy vey.


Source:  youtube.com

8. When he gets back to the station, the phones are ringing off the hook.

But Larry remembers one call in particular from an old guy who is going crazy. "Why didn't you change the station?" The man said, "I'm an invalid."


Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/the-time-a-23-year-old-larry-king-got-seduced-on-air
Article author: leonoraepstein

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