Tuesday 19 March 2013

This 3-Year-Old Softball Whiz Couldn't Miss If He Tried

Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ipJB87CSgnA.

Source: youtube.com

Here's a 3-year-old boy, location unknown, absolutely killing every softball thrown his way during a one-minute batting cage session. The balls are obviously not coming from any sort of machine, but most likely a parent or relative standing perhaps 10 feet away off camera. Nonetheless, this child is 3 years old and his contact percentage is likely better than 99.9% of those who've ever stepped inside a batting cage and felt their dignity sucked away with the first yellow pockmarked ball that whooshed by. This child is even looking at the camera in between some swings, knowing full well that he's putting on a show for a faceless crowd who may never know his name or what becomes of him in 10, 15, 20 years' time. Maybe he'll get a scholarship and play minor-league ball. Maybe he'll become a doctor and this is his final foray into sports. We may never ultimately connect this dot to that endpoint, whatever its destination, but this kid knows — oh, heknows — that he just did something better than you.

He's 3 years old, and he knows.


h/t: Lily Jolly.

Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/erikmalinowski/this-3-year-old-softball-whiz-couldnt-miss-if-he-tried
Article author: erikmalinowski

1 comment:

  1. The Softball is one of the popular games in the US. This game is also known as kitten ball, diamond ball, mush ball, playground ball etc. This game was first time played in 1987 in Chicago. Softball Whiz
