Monday 28 May 2012

Currency Converter

A currency converter is a calculator used to determine the value of a given national currency. As foreign currencies fluctuate, whether they are the more well known standards such as the Euro, Yen or US Dollar, or their lesser known counterparts such as the Quetzal of Guatemala or the Lempira of Honduras, a currency converter will tell the user how much a given currency is worth at any given time. In order to use a currency conversion calculator, one must have two currencies to evaluate. For example if you are travelling to Euro and wish to know how much as hotel costs in US Dollars so you can budget, you would need a currency converter from Euros to US Dollars. A typical currency converter will look something like this:
Euro ____ to US Dollar = $ ____ US Dollars Read More

Convert currencies with this easy to use calculator. Rates are updated regularly.

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