Tuesday 19 March 2013

15 More Very Questionable Retro Inventions

1. Facial Snow Shield


Via Canada, from 1939.
No, no, no, NO.

Via: iliketowastemytime.com



I like theidea behind it.
But, much like the show shields above, I foresee suffocation.

Via: 50watts.com

3. Gas Attack Baby Stroller


Via England.

Via: iliketowastemytime.com

4. Bronze Lips


"...cover your lips with our goo..."
For you Overly Attached Girlfriends.

5. Car Dog Walker


Let's move on to animal abuse.

Via: funstuffcafe.com

6. Running Board Dog Sack


Define "comfortably."

7. RectoRotor


15 seems such a random cutoff age...

Via: irreverentpsychologist

8. Wooden Bathing Suits


For those who don't float well.

Via: leblogdesovena.com

9. "Mobile" Phone


Poor guy.

Via: funstuffcafe.com

10. Dimple Machine


Worked wonders, I'm sure.

Via: vintage-ads.livejournal.com

11. Glide-O-Bike


25¢ starts you dying, too.

Via: vintage-ads.livejournal.com

12. Entire Family Bike


...with a built-in sewing machine.

Via: iliketowastemytime.com

13. Solar Bath Apparatus


"Diseases of the head" is such a broad term.

Via: blog.modernmechanix.com

14. Eye Exerciser



Via: blog.modernmechanix.com

15. Amphibious Bike


The look on the test subject's face says it all.

Via: funstuffcafe.com

15 vintage inventions that never caught on.

Visit the source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/copyranter/15-more-very-questionable-old-inventions
Article author: copyranter

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