I was recently returning to Muscat from a trip abroad. While I was abroad, I decided to buy a little something special for myself from an adult store, a vibrator.
I packed it in my suitcase and forgot about it.
As you know, when you get into Muscat airport, you collect your suitcases and then have them scanned before leaving the airport.
My suitcase went through, and the man watching the scanner called over another officer.
The officer asked me if I "had something" I shouldn't. I didn't really know what to say, so I just stood there and shrugged.
To be honest, I wasn't going to give it up readily.
The officer asked if I minded if he opened my case and took a look. I said sure.
He went in and looked around and found nothing.
I thought it was over but no.
He went back to the scanner and looked again, then came back to me and looked around some more, again he couldn't find it.
He then asked me "you have something? Something for the ladies?"
I knew then that he was going to find it, and he rooted around a little bit more and found it and thankfully I had put my something special into a plastic bag, otherwise it would have been a thousand times worse.
Immediately I started to apologise.
The officer said it was ok and asked me to go with him into his office to fill in the paper work.
I followed him and sat down.
I should point out at this time that I was not alone, but with Cush who knew all about my something special who just stood there, doing nothing, saying nothing.... presumably because he had a magazine of questionable content in his own bag!
We went into the office where I was asked for my passport and some details. The officer was shocked to find out that I lived in Muscat for such a long time but was umm...so oblivious to the uh rules.... which ok I totally knew that it wasn't allowed, but I wasn't going to admit that to the man! I'm such a coward.
So there I was sat in the office feeling super embarrassed, but actually the officer was really cool about it. We even had a little chat as he filled out the paperwork...yeah, seriously, paperwork.
Me: this must happen all the time, right? Sorry.
Officer: actually no, not really.
Me: oh... Sorry.
Officer: but it does happen sometimes.
Me: really? I'm very sorry.
Officer: Sometimes Omani girls have them.
Me: yeah that makes sense, sorry.
Officer: it's ok, you just need to pay 5 Rials.
Me: ok, sorry. So.... what do you do with them? (I so had to ask!!)
Officer: they just stay here (big grin on his face)
Me: like right there on your desk?
Officer: yes
I looked at the desk but there was no sex toys on it. So...I still don't really know where the vibrators really go, but I have some theories.
The only thing I can say is that that vibrator will never work again. It had an internal battery pack which can be removed and I took it out to avoid my toy accidentally turning itself on and causing a bomb scare. The battery pack was still in my suitcase when I got home.
So there ya go.
-Angry In Oman.
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