Thursday 1 March 2012

Love and Heart

Love rules the world. All we need is love. When we love, our health improves and we feel that our every part of the body is recharged.
How does love improves the health of our heart?
Spending time with your loved ones helps to  reduce the  blood pressure
The study published in the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine states that people who spend time with their loved ones have a a greater reduction in blood pressure than those who spend time with a stranger.
Trains your heart, when rate increases from the love
When you meet eyes with someone who is causing your increased heart rate, whether it's a new love or the love of your life, your brain secretes several hormones such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine  that make your heart beat stronger and faster.
These short bursts train your heart to make it more efficient to pump blood, just like when you exercise, but to a lesser extent. Because you should not take time off from the daily charge, even when you're in love.
Embrace good for the heart
Embrace the day, and the doctor is not required. When you have a warm hug  with your loved ones, whether it be a parent, child or your spouse, the body produces oxytocin, a hormone-good mood, which can reduce the levels of stress hormones and blood pressure.
Laughter causes the blood to flow more freely
How long have you laughed heartily? Recent studies at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, found an association between mental stress and the narrowing of blood vessels that restricts blood flow and leads to atherosclerosis. Laughter also produces the opposite effect, leading to vasodilatation.
Writing love letters lowers cholesterol
One thing is to feel love, and more - to write about love, which is also beneficial to health. So in two experiments, where college students were asked for 20 minutes to write about his love for the loved one (friend, relative or romantic partner), we observed a significant reduction in total cholesterol levels.
Positive attitude reduces the risk of heart attack
Studies show that a positive outlook on life protects against cardiovascular disease.
Scientists have identified a positive attitude, a sense of joy, happiness, delight, enthusiasm and satisfaction we feel when we are close to a loved one. The researchers found that those who had high levels of positive mood, the risk of cardiovascular disease was reduced by 22 percent.
When you hold hands, it calms the nerves
The habit of holding hands has a calming effect on the body. Thus, women who were holding the hand of their husbands during the passage of an MRI scan, felt less anxiety. The study found that even the touch of a stranger can help calm nerves, but not as much as the touch of a loved one. It is known that elevated levels of stress and anxiety associated with high blood pressure, increased heart rate and other factors contribute to heart disease.

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