Sunday 26 February 2012

Justin Bieber Crashes Oscars Opening Skit

Tux-wearing Justin Bieber rolled up to the Academy Awards host, who was sitting on a stoop. "Come here, come here," he shouted to Crystal. "What's up? I'm here to get you the 18-24 demographic. So how long do you want me to sit here for?"

"A couple seconds, I think, will do it," Crystal said. The two then exchanged some awkward, lingering glances waiting out the appropriate amount of time before they could move on to the next part of their gag, which, of course, focused on Hitler and the Holocaust.
"So what are you going to do now?" Crystal inquired. Bieber replied, "We're gonna go hang out with Hemingway and Fitzgerald." That "we're" he was referring to was Bieber and Rat Packer Sammy Davis Jr.
Crystal, done up as Davis Jr., added, "And then we're gonna go kill Hitler. Billy, is Biebs the young Sinatra, or am I nuts?"
"Oh Sammy, stop it!" Bieber laughed, before pulling off.
The opening sketch also included homages to "The Artist," "The Help," "Moneyball" and "The Descendants," to name a few, with appearances by nominees including George Clooney and Jonah Hill. After the sketch closed out, Crystal hit the stage for a musical number.
here's the video : 

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